
Training Times
Training takes place three times a day, with workouts starting at 9:30, 12:00 and 14:30, each lasting 90 minutes. The type of training can be determined before the start of each training session. If the training plan is not established by the team manager or by his assistant coach, the players will make their own training session, which usually does not yield good results.
Training Plan
For designing the training sessions you have a total of 19 different types of training to choose from, each of which placed in one of the following three categories - ‘Technique’, ‘Stamina’ and ‘Fitness’.

Training can be defined for either for the whole team or for each player by assigning them to different workouts. The decisive factor is using the appropriate category, but the type of exercise selected in that particular category is irrelevant. However, you must make sure that your players do not feel that training is to monotonous as this results in poor training results. Training is monotonous when the same types of training are often selected often, which means the players are always training in the same way.

To determine the training types in session, firstly click on a the training type symbol on future training sessions. This opens a special menu, where another click on the type of training can finally set the training session.
Training Effect
Each training class has both positive and negative effects on player values:
  Technique Value Fitness Value Stamina Value
Technique Training + + -
Fitness Training - + -
Stamina Training - - +
The effect of the training session on the values of the players can be read directly after the training session on the day trend graph.

It is generally recommended to firstly keep the fitness and endurance levels in the ‘Green zone’ by means of fitness and endurance training. The remaining training sessions can then be used to improve the technique value.
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